Friday, March 12, 2010

Designer Baby, It's A Good Choice....

Designer Baby is a baby needs online store that fairly complete. From furniture, toys, stroller up to furniture design and decorating the room. Designer Baby even provides special services to design baby furniture in accordance with the demands of parents. The material used is a material with good quality. The sample of designs are also very interesting. Its bright and attractive colors can make your child feel happy.

Beautiful furniture that is on Designer Baby can be applied with a beautiful baby’s bedroom. For baby’s bedroom design, Designer Baby were able to do it well. Structuring creative designer baby with a good coloring makes baby feel welcome and comfortable in the bed room.

In addition to furniture, toys that offer equally good. The toys can stimulate the development of motor, visual and intelligence of babies. Surely expected either child development movement, visual and intelligence to be balanced and show progress in a positive direction.

For parents who like to take the baby to travel or just a walk in the park, of course this stroller Designer Baby can be an attractive option. There are various options that can be tailored to the needs of babies and parents.

One stop shopping at Designer Baby must be reliable and satisfactory service


  1. @Lidya: hehehe.... lagi coba-coba mbak. berhubung blog khusus untuk reviewnya belum bisa di ikut sertakan dalam program karena baru bikin, jadi masih numpang sementara di blog ini deh....

  2. Yuks maree emak2 sekalian....time to shopping :-)

  3. mba maksudnya review blog bisnis gitu ato apa ya ngerti niy :D

  4. Salut. Salam kenal. Kunjungan pertama.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. @Susan: shopping... hehehe lagi belajar cari dana tambahannya dulu, baru kita shopping...

    @mila mama 2F: iya mbak, review bisnis gitu... masih belajar sih... kalo berminat nanya-2 sama mbak lidya yang ahli...

    @ALRIS: lagi coba-coba nih... thanks ya dah berkunjung....
